Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Neural World!


Imagine who trained human brains, body,

And what’s been done to it, a day they see!

And further if in century have a same fate,

Of the synthetic machines, that we’ll create!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

I Wrote Earlier About Specific Types Of Headlines’ News Organizations Shouldn’t Be Publishing ‘Openly’……!


When CNNi published the below headlines (on the Left) last year, this is what I published in my blog-> (Link:, as a humble request. Today (on the Right), exactly what I hypothesized in my above blog, happened, as below, on the right, is the recent headline published:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Conversation b/w Zelenskyy VS Mr. Trump. UNREAL!


Scene 11 -> A Coffee Shop

Mr. Trump is sipping Crunchy RED Hot Mocha Latte (Extra Hot, With Whipped Cream). Zelenskyy puts COCA Into His Own DOPPIO Espresso. Zelenskyy already got scolding from Aunt EU. Now, he wants to impress Uncle SAM!

Zelenskyy: ‘Uncle Look! I too came on the cover of Vogue! Thus, I ain’t Vague’!

Mr. Trump: ‘I’ve heard and seen the conflict, but you ain’t the rarest of the ‘rare’!

Zelenskyy: ‘My earlier Uncle was so good, as gave all the Free goods to me!’

Mr. Trump: ‘I’m not your Aunt EU, nor MAGA Union, but a Wall Street company!’

A New Visa In Town -> The Golden Card Visa! Blow The Bugle -> Fellas!


No less than A Golden Card Visa, that now, You shalt seek,

Blow a Bugle Fellas, New Visa in Town; for strong or meek!

Tell your Mumma Papa Dadda Amma, you’re flying for dream,

And you will prove productivity; mettle of currency, indeed!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

No Difference Between Either Side!


I write the truth, as myself too an Open book,

And if Left/Libs were obsessed with activists;

Right/Centrists w/ social influencers’ crooks,

Except reverting to territorial present politics!

You’re pronatalist, mere to fight, for your clan,

Monday, February 24, 2025

Spend Some Time At Coffee Shop(s), Respectable Head(s) Of Deep State(s)!


Like Once Greek, I write the Indian + Global tragedies,

With so many Leaders at every corner, & on every Street!

Simulation of Globalization was untested, built on Fluke,

As if this wasn’t enough, then came the Rootless recruits!

A Poet who write Hymns and Chants of Species Another,

Lullabies + Deep Sleep == Deep State!



Conglomerate heads’ shalt spend some time at Coffee Shop,

To reflect on reflexive actions in labyrinth, as what went wrong!

And do take some great musical tones, to keep you awake,

Their lullabies awakened them; yours should be transcendent!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Friedrich Merz


FriedRich Conservative in the Chancellor’s Role,

Dethroned both the Merkalism and Mr. Scholz;

Wall has emerged once again b/w West & East,

Would he revive the Originals’ SANS US folklore?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

This Is True That Indian IT Industry’s Foundation Was Laid Improperly Decades Back!


This started almost a couple of decades back, when the only return IT industry thought was in terms of currency conversion + outsourcing + offshore + support; rather, in terms of application development + designing.

This led to the carnage of the true academia, as the only thing anyone was expected to stand outside embassies and crack the Visa code, wherein, such thoughts then infiltrated in the academia as well! Worth? Travesty is, people are proud of this!