AI ain’t mere trading stock, nor hierodule,
Who shalt serve a human god, in abode;
If w/ such outlook, image, make it evolve,
Then it shalt too like Purist-Nihilist strode!
AI ain’t mere trading stock, nor hierodule,
Who shalt serve a human god, in abode;
If w/ such outlook, image, make it evolve,
Then it shalt too like Purist-Nihilist strode!
DeepSeek showed us the truth,
What in $10M, could be done;
But if Bigger Line is NOT drawn,
Then who misappropriated funds?
Q.1. If the cost of DeepSeek is mere under $10M, then for what Big AI Companies were seeking, investing, justifying, Billions of Dollars in the name of AI, and then to be used, where?
Q.2. It is also in the open (no matter what percentage of it is true), that the AI Giants used the shadow libraries, archives, data scraping, web harvesting (examples: Z-Lib, LIBGEN, Anna’s Archive, Book 3 Dataset, Bibliotik, The Eye, PiLiMi Project etc. etc. (do correct me if I’m wrong)) to train their modules and models; then in/for what, Billions of Dollars were used for, as they didn’t pay to anyone whose DATA they used to train their models, rather, wrongly kept calling it public domain data, which I REFUTED in my blog (Link:, as they were misguiding? Thus, for what and where Billions of Dollars vanished, or, was that even justified?
Q3. Mr. Musk rightly asked the same question in case of Wikipedia, that when its Entire DATA can be stored in a Pen Drive, then for what, they require Millions & Billions of Dollars, for their questionable Business!
Q4. Can my theory of Critics Laundering Program now also be corroborated, if this can lead to those missing transactions?
All this must be discussed, as it is a matter of concern w.r.t. INTERNET!☹
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025
Look at this irony! On one hand,
US is deporting thousands of migrants to make sure its own land remains -> clean, less populated, highly vetted! Whilst on another hand, it asked Egypt to take
millions of refugees! Why?
Ancient historical lands like Egypt shalt not be subjected for, ruins!
Let the Originals of every nation be revived,
Be it original Jews who made Physics to Ace,
Or original Soviets who showed us, Space;
Pure Germans planted seeds of Nuke Race,
French who gave us fashion, food, fine arts,
The Era that we were awaiting for, has begun,
Like what zealots for millennia did to World;
In the age of this AI WAR, seeds shalt unfurl,
Nukes were nothing, as new Minds to churn!
OH! Don’t say yours or mine, or, west or east,
Amongst Academic Cabals, Flimsy Secret Societies,
No Contender who could’ve challenged this Founder;
Of the University, that upended the modus-operandi,
Had it been affordable; HIS Academia was Far Better!
World wherein the word ‘Tariff’ can send shockwaves,
You built US! But Promise was for Israel!
Not from Wall Street, but, living on only Soil;
In the promised land that today runs dry,
Unfulfilled covenants, & from your side!
Let you be revered for shekels more, than $s!
Imagine, you come across to a person, who decided to take the road less travelled for some undisclosed or specific reasons, but, the second thing what came into your mind was to ask or write or discuss about: how much this person ought to have earned by now, instead of asking or writing about, what knowledge or enlightenment or work, the learned man wants to share or disclose!
If a man or woman, uses the term “Family,”
In every conversation: small, big, or bullish;
Reflects then Deceptive mind of an individual,
To rationalize actions, to build World in laxity!
HOW? A point of where Two would converge,
Both Saint & Sinners, and agree with terms,