You want the country to be glued to TV 24/7, discussing Score Cards, Gambling & Betting! Well, that didn’t pay well to South Americans, wherein, the nations who once enjoyed the Oil Money, ended up discussing Football, God-Messi, GOATs of Sports, and Beach Volleyball. No more. No less! Same goes for UK as well. In Asia, one nation can’t stand another, but no matter how much the nation Poor is, they would leave every work to watch the game of Cricket entire day, wherein sportsmen consider themselves as Gods of Egypt. South-America shuts its own borders’ for one another, but, one, as well as two balls, always unite them. In Africa, you require a travel visa to visit each nation, YET, Rappers, Reggae, Magic, Marley, & USA for Africa, always unite them. Alas, none of them paid well. Because, diplomacy built on ‘Entertainment’ would never pay, except to the producers, artists, players, and organizers.