Saw an abode on the mountain,
Coruscating sublunary, in this shack;
But million steps forth to walk,
Ain’t alone as millions amidst in stack,
Saw an abode on the mountain,
Coruscating sublunary, in this shack;
But million steps forth to walk,
Ain’t alone as millions amidst in stack,
As & when China takes the pole position, its allies, mostly Islamic Nations, would ask for their Share in helping China achieving this glory. China, being a Communist Atheist regime, would then have to backtrack from its Core Values & Communist Principles to agree with all or face retaliation from allies.
You Sail or Sink the Ship,
As its Captain shalt it never leave;
Recourses sway; can’t or won’t,
When engendered is one’s true belief.
Espying a sinking ship; noble sphere,
Few at summit longed for sky;
Virgin in quest for Blue lagoon Origin,
Higher no mountains now, not a lie!
Transient clouds as dark in sky,
Dark as ashes, always high;
Thought of hiding Sun, beyond,
But down on land still was dawn.
Morning stroll on shore, beside,
And on either side none reside;
Walked in linear back & forth,
In moments came gate of toll.
other day I looked at the clock,
rooted but stranded docked!
to sway on fainted wall,
Bolstered strong, alas, lost & knocked.
The red sun that rises in east,
And ‘rest’ in eve where traders’ rest;
Proselytism in archaic minds seek,
Time, as life no expansive but less!
Xi Jinping in his Sep. 2020 speech stated, 'Science has no borders, but Scientists have motherlands.' So, where & when Science or Scientists are culpable?
In 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuke Disaster, None in the World blamed Scientists nor Science, nor any territorial incharge therein for the disaster, for the reason, that, it was an unavoidable accident that None could’ve prevented! Happens in radical science. But what about radicalized science? And why Covid Biowarfare isn’t anywhere similar to the above Nuke leak.