must admit, Mr. Biden before the elections took a very calculated move, by
almost pardoning Julian Assange (the guilty plea looks like pardon to me),
as if you may recall, many amongst MAGA also solicited Mr. Trump to pardon Assange
back then, the request that never materialized.
Democrats now have taken this privilege to pardon Assange, and as only because
of them he was on the run; which might help not only Mr. Biden in the elections
to a some extent, but even Rishi Sunak as well, as this is what the consensus
was amongst the conservatives & leftists as well in the UK.
Snowden might not be having the same fate as of Julian Assange, for the reason
that and if I’m not wrong, Assange didn’t actually steal the documents with his
own hands, but only published it (a case of hacking again);