Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Reason I Support The State of Israel


Neither I’ve ever been to Israel nor to Palestine. Nor I’ve been on any Palestinian Supporter or any Jewish/Zionist Funding, nor I’m associated to any Specific Winger or Union; YET, currently I logically support the State of Israel. Carefully read my title that says: The State of Israel.

Once Upon The Tweets :)


Monday, November 6, 2023

The 3 Waves


Whilst leafing through different many, when I came across to The Telegraph’s headlines that read as, ‘Why liberals have ended up cheerleading for jihadism,’ honestly, that didn’t  surprise me, as it perfectly suited even for today’s Academia as well, including the recent actions of the academic crowd, whether of Harvard or Columbia or Oxford or UPenn and so on; as for decade & a half, I’ve been writing that the support of terror in future won’t originate from some remote archaic village on the planet, but indeed, both from both PR & Academia across World (as these two produce, project & amplify narratives), whilst Academia falling into the wrong hands long time back only was the triggering point for the first wave, by dilution of evolutionary traits. In the second wave, participants would originate; and in the third, the conductors!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Era of Species Another has Begun!


Who prayeth knows, it, evolves slowly-steadily,

Like evolution itself, where the destinies meet;

Wait dilapidates who breathes; ne’er time!

Circle resuscitates not one, but, distinct lives.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

My Rendezvous with Publishers


The other day, I started contacting known publishing houses to publish One out of Six of my Poetry book in Print Length Edition. I already knew that hybrid or self-publishing via publisher is not that difficult, as you just need to invest partly or fully, and the number of copies you desired would be published, & then either alone, or with the help of distributor, you can take your book into the shelves of book stores. But the real deal is with the traditional publishing, in which you’re not spending a penny, and the publisher takes the entire initiative. So, I started calling/writing emails in the last couple of months for traditional publishing. It was honestly fun discovering the truth about poetries. And technically, the logic given by several publishers was indeed correct & acceptable w.r.t. poetries.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Incorrect Usage of Words in Israel-Palestine Conflict!

The usage of the words: colonialism or apartheid or occupiers for Israel in the mainstream is technically Incorrect! And it’s not about me being partial, but, pointing out the wrongful usage of words in the layman’s language.

Now, colonialism means establishing forceful settlement over indigenous people, whereas, apartheid means segregation in terms of race. But in the Israel-Palestine conflict, technically, Israelis themselves too are original indigenous people according to the ancient history books; who once left their homeland during invasions by Romans, Greeks, and especially during Arab era; got dispersed globally, until post WW-1 & 2, wherein eventually started returning back to their homeland i.e. present day Israel, which their ancestors fled once, during earlier invasions.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Allies Failed Israel; Not Its Intelligence!


Indeed, this act of terrorism is more than a pearl harbor or 9/11 moment for Israel, as when you adjust the population ratio of it comparing to major democratic nations, the toll would go into thousands. And I was flabbergasted when one UN lady on the mainstream spoke, that, terrorists should avoid civilians; as if they’re allowed to launch rockets or can infiltrate the streets firing guns & bombs. Such statements reminded of one eminent political scientist & a politician himself viz. Dr. Justin Tweedledum of Canada who’s PhD in Political Disasters from Ottawa University, in an alternate universe.....

Monday, September 25, 2023

What Can’t be Ameliorated; Be Rejected!


What makes the apes and humans, differ?

Not even the tools in hands, but how used!

If change was constant, then why never did?

Crawled in future with single scent diffused.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Decision Making vs. Modern Liberalism. A Case.

In 2001, WSJ published an article titled, “The answer to terrorism? Colonialism.” But in the 80s to early 90s, the Western mainstream considered Mujahideen as heroes in the war against Soviets, on sovereign soils; until, one day, the terror knocked on their own doors, eventually upending their beliefs, so much so that by mid-90s, the West had to forge an alliance, against such overseas heroes of theirs’. And remember? The early 00 speech, originating from the West -> Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. Today, exactly who is standing alongside terrorism?......