journey of G-8 to G-7 to G-String to G-Spot,
another BRICS on the Wall of tetra QUAD;
OIC (O I C) you at midnight, my community,
Amidst gulags or terror wars, we’ll love each other, no worries!
journey of G-8 to G-7 to G-String to G-Spot,
another BRICS on the Wall of tetra QUAD;
OIC (O I C) you at midnight, my community,
Amidst gulags or terror wars, we’ll love each other, no worries!
Mere induction of manpower,
Or an assemblage of cultures;
Maybe mere representation,
Be it of deer or of vultures.
A Diversity inducted via Vetted Applications is Not a Diversity, but, Recruitment of Manpower, and, the West is wrongly Equating 'Manpower' to 'Diversity.'
Now, coming back to the captioned subject, let’s take few examples first:
yourself as how would you live
years & decades but not ages
shadow of unbounded sky
That bestowed roof to earth & sages
Understanding philosophy behind evolution of any mindset is more worthy, than, merely reading historical facts which were, are & would always be contentious & questionable.
So, why there’s hubbub around movies alike The Kashmir Files or The Kerala Story? Is it really because of portraying of distorted historical facts in it, or, is it because the Liberals/Leftists were/are uncomfortable of Islam being shown as committing coercive proselytism or ethnic cleansing of other communities? Or,
who says uncut gems always find their place amongst stars?
for them that isn’t, was never, and would never be, ‘that’ afar;
the rhythm and rhyme danced in both darkness & light,
Coronation amongst real, not ideal, alas covers length, not height.
For nine months, a
flesh evolves,
Unknown, an offspring,
or would ever be known?
To where it gestated or
on a land it breathes,
But on happy pills, are, who in the vicinity, owns.
+ Fear + International Interferences + Regionalism + Religionism + Proselytism,
led to excessive rise of population in India. How?
Had 70s era been more aligned towards two child policy, rather, succumbing to Western pressure of mass Sterilization in India;
The politics of reviving Khalistan movement; Preferred being called as Tamil Friend in The Gray Man; Punjabi Singer representing Punjabi <-> Jatt at Coachella from Punjab; Communists in 60s longing to paint India Red, restricted to Kerala, West Bengal; Kota type academic belt of North India; Jhoome Re Pathaan; Bengali literature please; Hindi Bollywood or South Indian (Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam Film Industry) -> What’s the commonality between all? Ans: A collection of different fruits in a Basket competing for regions, & sometimes