A mile sometimes turns
into thousands,
Thousand more, yet
destinations never converge;
A mile in
opposite can end an uncharted quest,
If directions on billboard or a map conferred.
A mile sometimes turns
into thousands,
Thousand more, yet
destinations never converge;
A mile in
opposite can end an uncharted quest,
If directions on billboard or a map conferred.
than cultures in sync, syncing of traits constituted liberalism. Rest is mere
tolerance, and a further effort to reach to a borderline compatibility with the
remaining. A bitter but actual definition.
A wannabe kaleidoscope, globalism (colonial style groupism), derailed from its tracks. And why not? Their frontline soldiers -> loaded credit cards & the modern left liberals’ academic shrieks. Travesty is that’s not even their own script. And the narratives are no more restricted to memes or cost-benefit ratio but the likes of marauder-merchants.
A wise foe better
than an insecure friend,
No friend or foe?
Then you dwell in void!
Who burn hundred
houses then feed a few,
No friend nor foe such as mere born to exploit.
Opinionators’ saying - Canada failed in its first litmus test of Democracy by invoking
unwarranted Emergency.
Truth is - Canada may’ve succeeded in the first litmus test of being a communist influenced power!? And by assembling the western MSM to neglect the unwarranted Emergency, it succeeded in the first litmus test of proving to others that not only there’s distortion in the flow of news but also undisclosed discordance in the flow of historical events as well, everywhere. And by the cold reaction of the Capitalist neighbor to such unwarranted Emergency, it further succeeded in proving that (maybe) modern capitalism == crony capitalism. And by being antithesis to uniform code elsewhere, it furthermore succeeded in the litmus test of proving to others that Leftism == Modern Liberalism.
lies in all; what differs is the way one epitomizes,
If digressed, how farther (s)he sailed away or shies;
in incorruptible eyes sometimes even melt the rocks,
Albeit if piquant truth more vicious than it; let truth dies.
A U.S. based draft report I leafed through (of course which is available online) articulated the perspectives of China on racism, international dominance; with China considering multiculturism as sickness & a component for a U.S. decline. Is this true? And can the said multicultural is sickness argument be also applied for other Democratic nations as well as for their decline? Does multiculturalism bring plight to territories? Is this the reason why unicultural nations alike Qatar & China (project as unicultural) Prosper? Let’s dissect it.
In surplus, the word complex - > medical-industrial complex, military-industrial complex, academia-left-communist-liberal complex, amnesty-cross border terror complex, proselytizing-charity complex, msm–journalists-propaganda complex, liberals-mass hysteria complex, democracy-trojan horses complex, merchants-marauders complex, inferiority-superiority complex. Human body, the most complex machine ever built, to each such complex, is annexed in complex, in ||el.
take pride in diplomatic protests,
forge inexplicable economic ties;
seek to build a connected world,
Despite carrying fires whilst crossing lines.
Half a century made more progress than couple of millenniums; yet, the present in discord!
You sail through conspiracy to radical, imaginary to real, obfuscate to cogent exhibit, rationality to intuitive clear - Trust’s missing in all. I supported the reset since long, a new definitive world order that was indispensable. Further, I wouldn’t have even disavowed the presence of any hypothetical abstract metaphorical Deep State (the term used by several key elected global political figures), HAD it been Ameliorating in ||el, despite unshackled.