Plinth & floors in no time,
All else locked but it shalt made to rise;
When noise no more felt nor pain,
Seeing, constructing who at last engaged.
Plinth & floors in no time,
All else locked but it shalt made to rise;
When noise no more felt nor pain,
Seeing, constructing who at last engaged.
Let’s take example of Consciousness. We learned about it via expertise of different experts and each one of them can counter or ‘?’ others’ claims, findings & opinions. As, is it mere attentiveness or alertness or memory or subjective experience or illusions or intuitions or being awakened or sense of being awakened or cosmic external connection via energies & so on; but we were able to learn about its different forms. And that’s the beauty of Science! How? Because of presence of ‘?,’ counter findings, contradictory reviews; as nothing presently exists in singularity or in absolute. And shouldn’t be even considered in that perspective, at least up till present......
If you think, Science,
Is in absolute theorize;
Ain’t necessitated reviews then,
An outcome; & all obliged.
If you think Globalism is restricted to mere cost benefit ratio, then you’re wrong. Similar to if you think those centuries/millennium/millennia old expansionists views had anything to do with trade or cultural diversity or reformation. Albeit I’m not including all Globalists, because there’re some who either are truly restricted to trade or want exchange of great ideas, but, they aren’t as powerful as those few individuals whose references you won’t even see in daily mainstream.
The Captain once engaged to sail,
Ship, so sumptuous, all hailed;
Myriad beauty, sky high,
On deck, many, saying, goodbye.
If muck here, muck everywhere;
You tied by it,
Descried or lied by it!
Should you know,
Conscious enough to know?
When I hear many raised voices,
Directed which to behind enemy lines;
I say, worth not raising fingers,
On an instructed enemy’s canines!
When Leftists blamed Millionaires,
I read their ideology, descried them for sure;
Until Millionaires funded back in return,
As a gracious gesture? To allure?
Not in all terminals one alight, except few,
One descend, reboard or sojourn;
Or stay longer too where weren’t supposed,
Processing still what shalt be the terms.