Thursday, November 5, 2020

An Instructed Enemy

When I hear many raised voices,

Directed which to behind enemy lines;

I say, worth not raising fingers,

On an instructed enemy’s canines!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ideological Dilemma

When Leftists blamed Millionaires,

I read their ideology, descried them for sure;

Until Millionaires funded back in return,

As a gracious gesture? To allure?

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Terminal

Not in all terminals one alight, except few,

One descend, reboard or sojourn;

Or stay longer too where weren’t supposed,

Processing still what shalt be the terms.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Victim Card

Desires exponentially increase,

As descendants grow with time;

So whilst releasing unexpired Cards,

Know, no antidote for insolent flies.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Two Sides of Same Coin

I saw an indigent & affluent, were worried,

As who in modern times, shalt stand next in line!

One thought would add another hand,

Whilst another, two more to assert, what’s mine.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Four Pillars

 A trojan horse accomplishes its aim,

As & when four pillars confer it a spyglass;

Soils ain’t become sterile in year or two,

And until four pillars' decree, pave way in masse.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020



Once a senior noted well-heeled Politician exuded his feelings in an interview, saying, that he never wanted his own descendants to live in poverty or to witness what he himself experienced, so he had to make ackers through *all* means. Albeit, I’ve rephrased the sentence, but conclusion is precise. But what one lesson we can learn from this mere one statement? That eradicating poverty too won’t help any fabric. What I’m saying since beginning is, understand -> It’s no longer about what Left/Liberal or Right think, i.e., Left/Liberals keep asserting that poor/well-heeled would be better, WHEREAS, middle class are trustworthy, contend Right, usually. But the fact is, neither eradicating poverty porn nor CSR/Charity of well-heeled or trust of middle class, can assist, furthermore. As society, in absolute, basically malformed; horrible than hopeless. A poor would be as much hungry as the well-heeled is, even when it becomes one, & so goes the same for middle/higher middle class too. All interchangeable!

Monday, October 19, 2020


We remain rooted; except our actions!

That with environs, tweak!

Are these cloak -&-dagger superficial acts?

Or mere angst further for more sweets!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Case in TECH of Rise & Fall!

IOS (APPLE) might overtake ANDROID in India in few years regardless of their pricing amidst post China embargo & protests, & furthermore, custom ANDROIDs (Funtouch/Oxygen/MiUi/Colour) share might slowly deplete, if not wholly, regardless of their pricing. Albeit it was an opportunity for Nokia to re-establish its current Market share with more customizable ANDROID based mid-range models in India, knowing Samsung is the only player right now, but, seems Nokia going Blackberry way. And furthermore, how Twitter would go down as an organization with low-slung standards, and, how tech giants even with restricted businesses or products or services, are connected & influence each other. All in this blog!