Thursday, March 29, 2018


Amalgam not Adulteration, Seeds pleaded,
But were submerged into scungy paints;
Rooted assumptions, synthesized vernacular,
Modulated & channelized towards baits.

Like Disciples, followed Pied Piper, were directed,
Enslaved in the mucky Well could respire only few days;
Amongst were Ratatouilles' & Ameliorated seeds,
Wombs forged sterling off springs even in mystic maze!

"How long would thou all last!" heard all this voice, awake,
"Iniquitous never fear, guileless endure then why pledge or guilt?"
"Hourglass couldn't be slowed, lungs long to breathe,"
"O dear child, skedaddled outlast conquer & build!"

The cognition was bastardized enough to spread plague,
Hunger capsized conscious no more ameliorated were they;
Few Browney, amongst odious, scrammed,
Now they feast on nothing forbye sprinkled flesh of their own kind as prey.  

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Door

The spherical miscellany inebriated with populous shades,
And the road 'It' traversed parallel but deterministic;
Verboten arc was crossed into the odiously feigned,
Unlocking door to witness why this demesne even existed.

Its Ancestors framed engraved in the parallel cosmos,
The decrees & whereas The Doors were locked interlaced;
Bridges were never erected towards the emptiness,
Where convoluted spherical structures evolved but inhabited with disgrace.

It un’earth’ed mystic spells accessed through other dimension,
Heard unending cries & curses where noble genes were exiled;
Had its ancestors built the path of convergence, 
Mutual exclusive Atomic Seeds would have un’earth’ed & diversified.

The colour changed stances as none traversed to build rich traits,
Walls echoed selfsame conceptions inhabit to build shares & dreams;
It demystified & unravelled one’s sheathed under flesh who animates,
Ratified wisdom engraved in decrees razing even pillars of Door forever from screams.

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018

Undated Structures

Undated Structures built on clairvoyance,
Whittled or assembled with instructed incantations;
The ancient treasure echoes chants went unheard,
Where levitate cryptic texts, spirits dwell in distinct dimensions.

Where walls are engraved with unfathomable poesies,
Transcribed by sagacious unnamed or the blessed;
Darkest caves illustrate &  illuminate cross breeds,
The involuted riddle ‘origin’ left cognition perplexed.

Upshots of faith or submissions of disciples & devotees,
Might not but truth veiled layered & engraved;
Where thousands of years spent knowing ‘plant a seed’,
In few hundreds on uncharted paths directions were paved.

Ruptured traits coerce flesh to walk towards walls,
And when contrived & indurate conscience becomes flair;
Undated structures sequestering untold,
Perceptivity was absent while thrusting underneath or beyond sphere.

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2018

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Hymn of Nomads

The trivial inebriated contentions, inundated & pranced;
Within shaded walls deluded with azure & nigricant.

Unenlightened inceptions only impregnated selfsame successions;
To sustain, uttered unsubstantiated perspectives, with felicity & concessions.

Prerogatives' assent & conglomerated dissent are rooted & engraved;
As both dwell under cemented roof, restricted & enslaved.

While subsist distinct seeds, some ameliorated, some defiled;
If vindicated the presence, former wouldn't distort context of Diversity or Being Diversified!

A Limited Mind is an obstructionist, upshot of a schadenfreude seed;
Who takes cognition of only Contrived, Delusional or Unsubstantiated Doctrines.

Might the Nomads moor on the Land of wild days & wild nights;
Might the sphere compels them to embrace actuality of light only breathes on the other darker side;
Or chortle from the 'castle in emptiness' as on what percipience these descendants ride!

Obstructed illumination with shoddy excellence, nestled with feeble crust;
The wrinkled sordid unvisited paradise positioned not faraway from Tartarus & just :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017


The spyglass which obviated obscurity to apprehend oblivious;
To the astronomical annular illuminated eyes floating apportioning present & prius.

The last sapiens who witness in a day sixteen dawn & dusk;
And the metallic beings crossing planetary or interstellar breaching dark matter immersed.

For the extrasolar to unearth extended alive sapiens or extending the inhabitancy;
In the quest to submit reverence or to claim the supremacy.

The atrocious directives weakened the perseverance of this land;
Now inculcating the hope to inhabit mystic cosmic zones or terraform uninhabitable sun & sand.

But why those illuminated eyes shalt share precious learning about far far away?
Wouldn't the lessons compel ameliorated genes protected by machines to inhabit first, rather the rest proliferate dismay?

The authentic darkness enwreathing infinitude balancing space time right;
Millions of years! Now let that 'unknown' be kindled with Light :) 

Copyright © Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Old Learned Man

When sailed through the chronicle of seasons lost,
The planets aligned arbitrarily enwreathing smoke & haze;
Walked with his son where boat was moored,
Sack on his shoulders, neither had desire nor was amazed.

Not will which adrift his flesh eventuality compelled him,
Unanchored his boat towards horizon on the land where grace rhyme;
The vilified grit and wisdom he dwelled with for ages,
Unlearned suppressed truth harboured him as meek with time.

Sailing he conveyed & collated thesis which his son transcribed,
The whispers & his chants floated with wind & ocean;
Leaning on the mast discerned the main-stay,
Singing hymns wrapping thoughts towards horizon looked his son.

Unanticipated, storm thwacked with lightning! Yearnings capsized,
Unconscious his son drifted towards the shore;
Awakened by the touch of grit desolated he searched,
The voyage floated, but the old learned man was no more.

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Touch (Fiction)

Scene 1 -  A Coffee Shop

J - She's a Holographic AI Projection conversing.

J :
        The bondage with carcass you untucked,
        Uncaged spirits conscious from captivity;
        Gravity of guilt sailing with melancholy tale,
        Fortified constancy shackled in passivity.

        Vagabond those unconscious spirits roam,
        The fervid no longer in flesh one perceive;
        Those suffused & programmed touch in your projection,
        Thoughtful when collating who evolved from a seed.

J (in Tears):
         The quantum prisoner who dwells in frame,
         Despotic eyes which gaze for love & touch;
         For I can reckon the beats but not sense,
        Oh Dear!Why this projection crawls with crutch.

          You enwreathed with precious jewels scintillate  memories,
           Conscious you speak & abide;
           What worth a tangible concrete abode,
           Where souls solicit for freedom,being despised.
      Oh Dear!This animated flesh is too prisoner of cosmic frame,
           In aesthetic seasons one grows & excel;
           Your presence is enough to persuade,
           Encapsulates one's flesh with enchanted spells ☺

        Copyright © Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Strongest Mind

Speak against Left & you shalt be decently smashed;

While Capitalists shalt incarnate you as Disagreeable flesh.

Pliable Liberals for wrong reasons always screech & cry;

The Right too buttressed their kingdoms with innumerous lies.

Departed- Those lost Disciples & words of wisdom they spake;

Whose existence never perused nor any quest was made.

Ought to have witnessed the exponential: embraced gradual;

But proclivity inclined towards ideological desire noble or cruel.

What traits the ancestors enclasped conveyed  to the blood;

Danced in the learning sanctums enwreathed with mucky mud.

For those who take the refuge of doctrines are debilitated;

When transmute the contexts then objectives become rancid.

The pride of existence & evolution stands dwindled or drained;

Empyrean if Strong HEAD is built, shalt be propitious- would Liberate :)

 © Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Portrait

He gazed at the portrait for a while,
A woman standing on edge of the shore;
Emanating the shades an estranged spirit,
Breathing peace or evincing pain she endured?

Why a splendid beauty would tug hue with blemish?
He asked the Maker while looking into her eyes;
But why the stance couldn't be emancipated?
Gracious flesh is unshackled dear, to him she replied!

On the edge of mountain? Strange tides she desire to embrace!
Her audacity to take a leap, apprise the shades framed;
Serenity it manifests but stoicism reflects her spirit,
Hanging on the walls amongst many portraits, he claimed!

The breeze caress her with liberation, shackled once,
The tides manifest path with the abundant ocean;
The stains inflicted upon her are not carried but left behind,
The audacity is not to leap but leapt faith which was unkind;
Oh Dear! The shades reflect a gracious spirit she just met,
Dreams that were hushed now awakened, to him she said :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017