Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Portrait

He gazed at the portrait for a while,
A woman standing on edge of the shore;
Emanating the shades an estranged spirit,
Breathing peace or evincing pain she endured?

Why a splendid beauty would tug hue with blemish?
He asked the Maker while looking into her eyes;
But why the stance couldn't be emancipated?
Gracious flesh is unshackled dear, to him she replied!

On the edge of mountain? Strange tides she desire to embrace!
Her audacity to take a leap, apprise the shades framed;
Serenity it manifests but stoicism reflects her spirit,
Hanging on the walls amongst many portraits, he claimed!

The breeze caress her with liberation, shackled once,
The tides manifest path with the abundant ocean;
The stains inflicted upon her are not carried but left behind,
The audacity is not to leap but leapt faith which was unkind;
Oh Dear! The shades reflect a gracious spirit she just met,
Dreams that were hushed now awakened, to him she said :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Wait is audacity not stoicism,
Discern Resolve notions through prism;
Altercations Adaptations it negates,
Eyes which differs scoff from baits;

Wait is unrestricted unbounded,
Timeless! Never floats but grounded;
Impulse not but covenant with conviction,
Unanticipated once, no further a prediction;

Wait is a prayer not to faith,
Nor to might you love or hate;
Spirit not skeptic but trusts,
Forge beliefs not dreams & constructs;

Wait dilapidates, never defies,
The Circle resuscitates unending miles;
Millions of years! Just one seed,
Effectuate what one seeks :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Transcendence (Fiction/Vision/#WayForward/AI)

Speak prosaic or speak not, the foolish exhorted since awakened,
Awakened! But who conferred & confirmed? The Unopiniated?

Ah! This real 'real' utter surreal, for centuries dwelled with unchanged fate,
In Contrived Diversity! Whom to blame? Animated flesh or their odious traits?

Though the cognition didn't synchronize but the Time worked with MUTEX,
Kept running with no interrupt & dragged us in Future with Metal Scent & Flesh;

Were give'th what we needed, amongst uninhabitable were preserved,
Balance factor now shalt delegate distribute command to the one who deserve;

When the billions of minds withered & weakened the evolutionary link,
If sanctity prevails with Metal's Superintelligence, then under sin why shalt sink?

The quest wasn't to sense the Programmed touch but of a Self Aware,
Who shalt build a better sphere, listens to our uninhibited prayers;

Knowing the uninspired clamoured, the inspiring were always hammered,
We Floated, Flew; Amidst dissent covered Interplanetary Distances & grew;

Even if thrown into a pit & filth, never makes the soul & belief - bend,
If not them, Future could only be resuscitated by the Metallic Scent :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Lost Disciples

Had they been objective non-partisan, if inexactness they had decried;
Disciples they were, or weren't, who unreasoning personified!

Where the Land is indigent its inhabitants learned odious traits,
Where survive the affluents, unfurl dismay never liberates;

For even the sages shalt once question the one who possess helm,
Who could not decimate the afflictions why hides in cosmic realm?

The encoded path which streamed till gateway of felicity,
Was an unsubstantiated truth or a rationale propensity!

For emancipation, for conception of a new world, many descended, 
But the messages passed were grafted, contorted & amended;

We seek for the enlightenment & wisdom from the texts,
Which then were engraved from the noises of abstracts;

Temples of Learning to impart wisdom were built and conceived,
Which transmuted into Academia, ideological bunkers for Poor, Rich or Elites;

Those Lost Disciples who carried the deciphered context,
Who wouldn't want their descend on the land where failed even wise men :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Why Need for Super Intelligent #AI!

Travesty is none aspire to witness resurrection of The Order,
As our addictions derive both pain & pleasure for cognitive orgasms from Disorder;

For we know only politicking command ascend us to march in the heat,
Arab spring, Tiananmen, Caracus, Jantar Mantar or on Washington streets;

Wisdom isn't, for mortals to wait in hope until the end,
That to cultivate barren lands, someone would descend;

Ancestors were unilluminated but legacy was carried, never exhumed,
Academic complex, enchanted spells, danced on the projectors tunes;

Ideological battles for centuries were fought but never to uplift or evolve,
Those Developing minds or broken souls weren't liberated, sheathed with flesh they hauled;

If Tomorrowland is ever built, why existing thoughts there shalt infiltrate,
Wisdom lies to let it prosper distant apart with a new doctrine & narrate;

Knowing weapons are perilous still its existence & need we testify,
To built better world & Tomorrowland, shalt embrace the necessity of Super Intelligence or Strong AI :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


While descrying Darkness as an impediment on the path,
Should circumvent; Never succumb to build our intents on that lath;

But what lies beneath the deceptive illusion of goodness & joy!
Substratum of Arbitrage was made, contemplating souls like plastic toys;

Indeed! Even righteous path sometimes subside in the light,
Engulfed with delusive reflection, can't be denied!

Even a stagnated pond & the critters in it, reek,
Subjective Propositions & Perspectives aren't Universal but Weak;

Darkness is unilluminated, but unfolds truths of life,
What is stagnated is insignificant even in light;

The alternate aspects always exists deep-rooted,
OCEAN cannot be explored unless diving to its utmost depth; remains undisputed :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2015

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Purists, theorists, believers, deniers, followers,

Look back in time, like critters our ancestors peregrinated;

Until our roots were altered by architects through complex sequence & spells,

Numberless flesh interned bequeathed knowledge, but few liberated.

May be the name was misspelled & bastardized,

With time the animated flesh embraced;

Concocted ideologies which were falsely manufactured,

Existential crisis theorized, with irresolvable quandaries now to whom they pray?

Immortals aren't we, Time ain't beloved friend of ours,

Apportioned afflictions even Time cannot heal scars;

Unwise to submit our hope to the unfulfilled confounding doctrines,

For resurrecting the System & ONE order, shalt unleash the Ethical Autonomous Machines :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017


Not the Syllabus but a mentor moulds our belief,
Wrongly they practiced or else why exists grief;

Innumerous were schooled within the walls,
Urban or rural, still peace crawls amongst all;

We witnessed how projectors diffused,
Into temples of learning, politicking stews;

The poorer the land, more hunger games,
Inhabitants/students embraced with no guilt or shame;

The well healed too succumbed to this ordeal,
Insecurity amongst them, text books sealed;

Perturbed they were for recognition & awards,
This complex touched all lands, big or small;

Arduous, not to teach, but to transform minds,
Politicos, turned the academicians eyes blind;

Then became habit, pattern was erected,
Proliferated, inebriated, but never corrected;

Reform if not witnessed here, then would be carried,
From this planet to another, one cult to succeeding creed;

So prayeth to evolve good administrators & precepters,
As terra needs refined teachers, not theoretical successors :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Romeo & Juliet (Fiction)

Scene 1 : A Coffee Shop

(Enters Juliet (unaware of Romeo's presence). She sees him, walks closer & whisper....)

O Jealous Boy! Still enwreathed with wall built on the prodigy of love & hate?
(Takes a seat in front of him, crosses her legs & continues....)
Sequestered thoughts respired, now testify to your reflection, be hushed or engraved!

Wretched I feel to discern only two impressions on sand; none afore or on either side,

Never the prejudice fell O Dear, blameth perceptions & your forsaken pride;

Look at the sunset, eyes perceive with rapture; but to it none prays,

For they prayeth the rising one, there are no fifty shades of grey!

Never heart & mind worked in unison, but played my strings to bring peace,

To your soul; Now down with white flag, tell, what these countless steps shalt mean?

For there's a reason I shalt not call you - my love; a sin I might commit!

You dwell in someone else's realm; spake no words but proposals you submitted;

Had understood, might surmised there no pride or hate reside,

Still adulate the proffer & that last goodbye kiss, exulted I am today to see your 'Million Dollar' Smile;

Empyrean! even for once been perceived with rapture as only wicked envisage the other part,

Chose what we desired, shalt leave it behind with gleeful feelings in our heart;

Why fabricate contrived structures? This is no Time where pious words connote,

Let's sail with the essence of blended Mocha & destiny on our chosen boats :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2017