I am
perplexed if I am correct, but what I perceive is, a sense to take REVENGE from each other has started in the last few years.
Ok, so you stood up against the Wrong, and precisely, not followed the orders: Thence, we
have invented distinct cases against you. These already existed but were never discovered as we
didn’t give importance coz you were neither important nor things were
swinging in your favour. But now, we have perceived your popularity and importance, so these issues recuperate
importance and are novel inventions. Thence, fight it till infinitude.
When you put a question: why no action for so long against him, when it was in the public domain: as anticipated, No Response.
But the following underneath could be the reasons:
- How Dare this person stood against the wrong?
- Forthcoming, his success could be comprehended!
- Revenge!
The contention would be. When the issues flare up, the
facts should be corroborated and subsequently action should be taken. But
saving these issues to dig it in future also unfolds the improper stance of the
other party and that could be considered as wrongful motive; Unless the Other
Party was financially weak with no power to oppose former.