Thursday, February 6, 2025

What Mr. Trump Is Doing Openly; Deep State Too Wanted To Do The Same Thing, YET, Couldn’t; Because Of Having LIBERAL Reputation?


Don’t get me wrong, as what now I write!

Deep, No-Deep; both same sides of a coin;

Since 1945, status-quo were to get foiled,

As liberalism threatened Dollar’s rhyme!

Deep State knew this truth; but couldn’t act,

Needed someone to move on their behest;

Two words were enough to galvanize, right,

Mid-East, OR, for juicy Dollar -> You Fight!

Who failed to earn in this Currency -> Fell,

Since 1945, Leaders’, Policy Makers-> mere Knelled!

This is a FAILED World; & Except 2, FAILED 190 nations,

In vain, degradation, stagnation; your own evolution!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025