This started almost a couple of decades back, when the only return IT industry thought was in terms of currency conversion + outsourcing + offshore + support; rather, in terms of application development + designing.
This led to the carnage of the true academia, as the only thing anyone was expected to stand outside embassies and crack the Visa code, wherein, such thoughts then infiltrated in the academia as well! Worth? Travesty is, people are proud of this!
Our Tuition Centers started putting posters on the streets about AIR rankings, and how many would become eligible for currency conversion dream one day anywhere; knowing the kaleidoscopic complex diversity structure of India!More procedural requirements anywhere mean, how much any system is hotch-potch or untrustworthy. That’s why in US, attorneys make millions due to such hotch-potch structure; and in India, people want to crack UPSC, State PSC exams, at any cost, to bypass all this once and for all! Above all that, the peculiar outlandish political issues!
Mr. Murthy thus too should ask that, in the last two decades, what questions we asked as what defined upgradation or success in India? One who cracked the currency conversion dream? One who cracked the forever victim card code? One who cracked the proselytism? One who became a forever activist living on someone else’s AID? One who portrays being the most vernacular person in the name of saving aesthetics? OR, is there something else left in the closet left to address beyond this point?☹
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