FriedRich Conservative in the Chancellor’s Role,
Dethroned both the Merkalism and Mr. Scholz;
Wall has emerged once again b/w West & East,
Would he revive the Originals’ SANS US folklore?
A Wall-Street Asset, or, true European’s delight?On Corporate Boards, or, march with the Far Right?
Trump, No Trump! Putin, No Putin! But Aye Aye EU!
An M&A expert, will indeed sail, coalition through!
Would Merz, Merge, or Emerge, as Original bloodline?
Would Merz gets united with Aunt EU w/ future bright?
FriedRich has Fried many indeed to make Germans Rich,
Mr Scholz needs Coffee Shop now, cyclic time has no glitch!😊
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025