Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Decisions VS Cinema/Sports!


Do actions took/taken under influence or affiliation of cinema/sports eventually tumble?


One of the most influential & impeccable orator of our times, Mr. Obama, his words too fell short, when he got closer to the entertainment industry, late night TV show hosts etc. Its direct effect was seen in the recent elections too that even such profound impeccable skills didn’t work to attract voters.

Now you would ask me that Mr. Trump also came out from the same industry, PR management, then how come he ended up being the Political Pharoah of the same era. Then the real reason is, if you microscopely evaluate, he treat(ed) the said industry the way Mr. Modi treated, despite being close enough to such industry. How? By knowing the contemporary cinema and sports, which is restricted to mere for entertainment purposes, and further for bread & circus too, if in case economy needs! No more, no less!

The problem with the liberals were, they started attracting more and more media people into their ideologue, yelling revolutionaries, social media dimfluencers, with no original idea on how to upend evolutionary status-quo, except repeating same historical sessions, equality lessons, yawning debates, and slapstick humor; with unending demonstrations. Alas, this failed centre-left too, where even the centre-right sometimes used to reside, but later shifted more towards right, so much so that, there’s no centre right nor centre-left exists now; rather far right, and right;  and then directly, centre,  from there onwards, the left, & far left, minus liberals’!

AAP is another example. They seems too got inspired with the Bollywood movie NAYAK (absolutely presumed), and why I say this, that a decade back, media started comparing AAP with the EK DIN KA CM NAYAK. This might’ve given goosebumps to AAPians too and opened a party without an ideologue!  At least in the NAYAK, the protagonist didn’t align with the person he fought against! Imagine, what story would ought to have been then!

Indeed, in democracy, you require crowd, to win elections, and you would assemble anyone, who can further assemble anyone. When contemporary Left was assembling screeching revolutionaries with whatsoever no ideas in the background; the right was doing no different either. And the audience thought, let us choose who is more Richer in this Entertainment fight, after all; and they chose the right.

Think About It!😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025