Monday, February 24, 2025

Spend Some Time At Coffee Shop(s), Respectable Head(s) Of Deep State(s)!


Like Once Greek, I write the Indian + Global tragedies,

With so many Leaders at every corner, & on every Street!

Simulation of Globalization was untested, built on Fluke,

As if this wasn’t enough, then came the Rootless recruits!

A Poet who write Hymns and Chants of Species Another,

Do you think He would ever be against 1 law & 1 world?

But basket was of different fruits, & you forgot vernacular,

Pretentious academia unfolded, out of spectrum, colours!

If no peace where you stay; no point going Himalayas too?

Rather go to nearest coffee shop, & deeply reflect there,

I’m just a humble Poet who wrote the tales never written,

There’s still a chance to resurrect, to resurrect, the hidden!😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025