Imagine, you come across to a person, who decided to take the road less travelled for some undisclosed or specific reasons, but, the second thing what came into your mind was to ask or write or discuss about: how much this person ought to have earned by now, instead of asking or writing about, what knowledge or enlightenment or work, the learned man wants to share or disclose!
This is the travesty of our present-day media. The journey that IIT Baba took, turned into a discussion, of an aerospace engineer and what he would’ve been earning today! But I’m not surprised. When the education is embraced so that a day, son/daughter would become eligible to get VISA of any higher currency, then the first question of course would be, how much you earn, & not, how much on this road less taken, knowledge you’ve gained, or, what your own work, you want to share!☹© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025