If a man or woman, uses the term “Family,”
In every conversation: small, big, or bullish;
Reflects then Deceptive mind of an individual,
To rationalize actions, to build World in laxity!
HOW? A point of where Two would converge,
Both Saint & Sinners, and agree with terms,
A part would recall gods, another, the rights;What suited own nuclear four walls, to unfurl.
Repeat: if 7+ billions lived on economic whims,
Leaders coerced, compromised, b/w the three;
Whether of communists, capitalists, or zealots,
This is END of Evolution, let it Sink today, set FREE!
Indeed, in last few centuries, World brought light,
ALAS! Replaced w/ no minds w/ SMALL MINDS!😊
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025