If I recall in the 90s and early 00s, as what I heard back then from the polished academicians in India, whilst living within the walls of academia only, about recruitments; that, it’s only in the US, Companies hired people on the basis of Inklings & Tastes in several professions, and they honored that immensely.
Then what happened eventually?
I can understand in India, that because of politics + population + mandatory representations of communities etc., you’ve no other option but to run a template of 10 + 2 +3 /4 + 2 + full time experience + family + mandatory representation of communities etc.. But what about US? Where’s that ‘requirement’ for Tastes + Inklings vanished in thin air? And I felt and sensed it by my own eyes too!Why do you think some companies last for decades, centuries; while the organizations alike erstwhile Twitter, wherein it was said that without Twitter, No Government can function one minute, falls within one decade? Because, on higher-roles & in even their Board, former preferred Inklings & Tastes, and not CVs to govern the company. Whilst they merely needed CVs for day- to-day job accomplishments, and paid accordingly!
Think about it! Am I wrong?
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