I heard & witnessed, the genuine migration echoes,
Also, our realm seeking the poetic economic prose;
I read, heard, repeated, rhymed to melt, what froze,
In countless verses that could’ve opened the doors.
If we reason->in reincarnation or science fate alters,
Then know one truth->this been tested many times!
Even in scriptures, who descended, left smoldered,
Science too could not know any better how to chime!
Can proselytism help altering evolutionary trait? Nope!
Rather it makes all a commodity sans evolution in scope.
One can live to the fullest, yet won’t leave in pleasure,
Where self-actualization too, would ne’er ever matter;
Thus, is there panacea, that’s not been yet discovered?
I see in wisdom in Introducing; IF, can be uncovered! 😊
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2024