De-Globalization is a promise, that’s been anticipated to be fulfilled if Mr. Trump wins. As promises made, promises kept.
But the word is not as simple as it seems. It means upending the present geopolitical order. Yet, I can prove that the World with or without Globalization won’t be much different.
Firstly, De-Globalization would unravel several non-hidden obvious geo-political aspects, but now in the mainstream. First is De-Dollarization. Now, would that be acceptable to the MAGA base, that’s the question? And then comes De-Centralization, which means, the Data Warehouses and the Internet itself, would be fragmented into several fractions around World. Would that be acceptable to the Bear State? Then comes Realignment of the forces, wherein, the West would be lead by NATO/US; the West Asia would be lead by OIC; the South(East)-Asia would be under the tug-of-war between China & India, as usual; wherein East Asia would be inclined towards the West, be it Korea or Japan. Whereas the Tariffs would only decrease the quantity of goods in US, no more no less, and that excessiveness would not be much visible. Whereas Russia would be the epicenter between Eastern Europe / Asia and the West. And in any case, South America / Africa would maintain the same status-quo of nothingness, except Football, Messi, and Beach satin thongs. Nobel would become irrelevant, whereas, UN/World Bank/IMF and the similar institutions’ credibility would be challenged! And the Nuclear alarm would always be ticking.Tel me one thing! How is this scenario wholly different from the present World order? Except, the part of the full De-Dollarization, wherein I still think MAGA base won’t agree. And if they won’t agree, then are they Globalists too? And if they are, then what’s the problem with the current status-quo? And in one of my previous blog, I gave an analogy of BERNE convention, that how the Treaties don’t matter, when the case of Data Harvesting came without consideration for commercial usage, and not restricting to merely R&D activities, and wherein e-contracts could’ve been easily proven void (especially clickwrap and browse wrap).
Think about it! Am I wrong?😊
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2024