Wednesday, March 6, 2024

1 Law 1 World. Why Not!?


Evolution is expansive! Repository traits aren’t,

What’s then delimited, shalt it too be expanded?

The voluminous edicts, its interpretations many,

That keeps transforming, whilst under epiphany.

Imagine, interpretations altered lives in retrospective,

Whilst what’s interpreted now, won’t last in prospective;

Shalt be distinct cycle of time, or be always overridden?

Choose betwixt forward vs foreword, open vs hidden!

Settle a dispute that, ain’t values any, in family, in single!

Nor traits can be adjudicated via in-verbatim edicts;

As locked us from inside, and, too choked our senses,

As we always hard landed on disconnected labyrinth.

But, not edicts of united as nations, nor when are disjoint,

Rather on repository & perceptible evolutionary point. 😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2024