The Swedish House Mafia once rhymed, ‘don’t you worry……’;
Afar from stand-up masquerading comedian, or Bear, seems heaven’s plans got buried;
On a modern liberal-leftist policy note -> all for thee, not for me!
Now, I’m a NATO comrade too, in the home not of Homer, but of extra weaponry league!
Indeed, war brings peace, but, shouldn’t a peace be in state of absolute?
As if a new species has born, enthralling evolution in gardens amongst virgins & nudes?
Expanding is everything, but truth lies in where one decides to buttress its roots,
And never always be in transformative state unless state’s ethically destined to be in ruins.
Merely in the name of dreams & share, or, for an ameliorated way of living life,
All crossed one land to another, bonded with treaties, alas, never traits were obliged;
Slurping on a thought in my humble hut amidst concrete made souls,
We’ve given chances to everyone; let’s again sheath with original fruit of evolutionary goal.
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2024