Thursday, September 14, 2023

Publishing vs Self-Publishing vs Fellowships vs References. The Dilemmas!


We’ve been so much consumed into ideologue talks, the victims forever, the ornamental political regional representations, the vernacular sectarian quest, the recommendations, the references, and the Fellowships for/of such all; that even today & would always, only the ancient philosophy & literature would rule; as the present modern era forged the ring to be then worn & distributed by the Smeagols’ of our era, for whom the only precious and eagle eyes  are to get stuck in the riddle, resolving the politically (in)correct verbose drafts or debates; enshrouded & cemented with social media baloney!  

What worth the references or recommendations for any perceptible work (published or self-published), is beyond unfathomable! The less than six-page fantasy story telling in the resume (but no better than LOTR), the repetitive researches that complete half a century with different titles deriving almost the same similar result/output, the historical briefings written keeping the ideologue perspective in mind and then circulating that on the first come first serve basis, the philosophy of the dynasts or political monarchs, the tailor made fellowships/felicitations wherein the ring does not go to Frodo Baggins to sink it at its correct place but rather to whoever ultimately can wear forever before passing it to another; narrating the selfsame above repeated cycles of philosophy and learnings; such are making the modern era writings obsolete, but in the coming era (if), never becoming ancient!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2023