Sunday, September 24, 2023

Decision Making vs. Modern Liberalism. A Case.

In 2001, WSJ published an article titled, “The answer to terrorism? Colonialism.” But in the 80s to early 90s, the Western mainstream considered Mujahideen as heroes in the war against Soviets, on sovereign soils; until, one day, the terror knocked on their own doors, eventually upending their beliefs, so much so that by mid-90s, the West had to forge an alliance, against such overseas heroes of theirs’. And remember? The early 00 speech, originating from the West -> Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. Today, exactly who is standing alongside terrorism?......

Today, it seems, probably, Canada is in the initial phase of creating that 80s to early 90s era, BUT, this time, via creating an army of vernacular sectarian separatist mercenaries/mujahideen, on its own sovereign soil, to be then exported & used against other sovereign nations; until, a day would come, when WSJ won’t be able to publish that, the answer to terrorism is colonialism, BECAUSE -> One Can’t ‘Colonize’ Its Own Already Terrorized Soil. DUH!

Another example of Decision Making vs. Modern Liberalism & its dilemma. Why Twitter, an irreplaceable organization & brand name once, eventually Fell? And yes, you’re wrong in saying that due to ideological slugfest or fake news on it. Nope! The answer is -> non-subscription based arbitrarily distributed Blue Checks, especially during election times and since 2015.

Indeed, one man’s terrorist may be another man’s hero. But certain specific evolutionary traits differentiate between a hero and a terrorist; whereas, at least today’s modern liberals/leftists (all included), can’t comprehend such evolutionary traits, to distinguish between a saint and a sinner!

Why do we’ve rules? Because basically we’re animals, and we need to be tamed. And as evolutionary traits hardly alter; without rules, we’ll revert to our original traits, that’s so far being suppressed by the rules. Hence, Free Speech isn’t absolute! And so as sovereignty of any sovereign nation, once its political leadership starts buttressing global terrorism. And this answers to why trust of the global south in the west is declining.😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2023