The edicts of patrons, of foundations’, perused,
Dispersing ‘via’, the honor; now becoming a norm;
The honor, in the peace for the unnatural peace,
Or in literature, finance, for fetish poverty porn.
Neither victims nor exploiters ever be honored. Aye!
Alas, fe(ci)li(ci)tated such, superficially billow;
Who’s filled or standing, with empty fishbowls,
Put pairs ‘exact,’ & thinking, a day would grow.
The laureates becoming political laurel & hardy,
And ‘gloves’ of hands, who play, trick or treat;
Dressed, with mere stick in hand to say spells,
Days go by, years, decades, yet, prisoners greet.
Energies chosen to energize evolutionary traits,
Weren’t (r)evolutionary;
as couldn’t ameliorate! :(
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2023