Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Nobel Laureate’s Dilemma

Nobel Laureate Mr. Abhijit Banerjee once said that he wouldn’t have won Nobel, had he stayed in India, the statement that reminded me of Past Lives Nora, where she also said the similar thing. But, what this signifies? And would Mr. Abhijit Banerjee propose all the policies at MIT or for US, what the Opposition/Centre in India proposed since ’47, the political parties to which Mr. Banerjee himself may also be inclined towards (as being presumed from conversations)? And moreover, would they accept? For eg. and as I discussed in my previous blog, policies alike viz. JAUH, Anti-UCC, embedded level non-copyable kaleidoscopic diversity, constitutional reservations, etc.

I presume, and I’m not sure, but, probably he won’t, anticipating that respectable people like him might face opposition therein in the West, from the legal eagles to academicians to Wall Street executives to R&D Depts. And honestly, why MIT reinstated SAT/ACT requirements, & would Mr. Banerjee support or oppose it?

But again, why, whether the on-screen character NORA, or a highly respectable people alike Mr. Abhijit Banerjee, would say such things, that they can’t win NOBEL sitting in India or South Korea (assuming that NOBEL is truly the ultimate destination in COSMOS)? And of course, I’m not in favour of those politically or ideologically influenced Peace or Financial or Literature awards bestowed/bequeathed, or, which endorsed poverty porn, rather ameliorating.

Think! Think! And yes, it isn’t about poor-rich, as had that been the case, then Qatar would’ve got NOBEL every year, Wall Street Billionaires would’ve been floating their Medals in Jacuzzi; & every Creative Hollywood Director would’ve been wearing this on their Oscars’.

But, again, is it more about AFIC (Academic-Financial Inferiority Complexes), to which even highly respectable people, including any Nobel Laureate, can also succumb to? No idea! As if someone has brainwashed people in the past that degree/diploma maketh man, the educated. But a worth analyzing trait, as why, anyone would say such things? Noting one thing, as said in my previous blog too, that most of the West’s diversity is mere a collection of CVs + Credentials + Investments; rather, any root level diversified democratic evolution!

Think About it! 😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2023