The secret no longer in the secret,
who serve(d),
For their lands to spy or when
dynamics burn;
In mainstream advertise, glorify
on shady web,
Recruitment pamphlets, but, news now embed.
On cable network news, or when
social n/w trends,
Not on war on terror, or, cease
weapons till end;
Daily affairs merely capture
the royal daily affairs,
Who’s running the unplumbed primetime
on air?
Wondered, where kings, queens,
their apostles went!
Wandered to seek answers in
crosswords on rent;
The elites smell negative,
the other side never did,
Broadcasting corporations or
bidders many amidst.
The recruitment of who read
or wrote or performed,
Thrones replaced thrones, the
poets were long gone! ☹
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2023