Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Guns && Roses


Whose one half of the soul conceived the dynamite,

Another sought peace in quest for any nob(e)l(e);

Whose one half realized fi(us)sion to color the sky,

To capture descend of melted gold sheathing flesh in open.

Who sniffed the gunpowder on the naked roads,

To conquer volcanoes down erupted with jocund scents;

Whose hands wrenched with every shot, for few seconds,

To engulf its caress in the belt for more strength.

Who guided the projectiles to reach, before his Juliet die,

With the birds of prey flying on psychedelic distillations;

Who wished for alacritous metal heads on streets,

Armored, rivers on its chest, but flying above ravens.

Alas, there ain’t another ending of poetic tragic romances,

As one cuts once, another bit by bit, such bombs & roses. J

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2023