Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Uncut Gems


And who says uncut gems always find their place amongst stars?

As for them that isn’t, was never, and would never be, ‘that’ afar;

Where the rhythm and rhyme danced in both darkness & light,

Coronation amongst real, not ideal, alas covers length, not height.


As the colour of ink & the ream can never ever be same,

Neither truth be transcribed by the single coloured gore;

Sometimes, what we sought in life, it sought us back too; evermore,

And as wise & ignoble -> both ignoble; as one couldn’t, another attained,

Till then, one can wear a crown desired, with pleasure or pain.

Experiences & mistakes walk in parallel, until the cycle repeats,

Alas, one’s always masquerading as another trading as trick or treat;

The head covered with jewels or jealousy, taste as sweet as sour,

Time is life for the uncut gems, yet awaits the tide to reach ‘that’ tower. :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2023