In the last twenty years, the scheme, ‘data for revenue’ & ‘payback to users via clicks’ decimated the Internet. Social media platforms, where most of its users’ won’t even get the copyright of 1% of their own data posted, became source of information, the information again restricted to restricted thoughts. The fake it until you make it became the mantra on Internet. And then came the forbes under 10, 20, 30, to buttress it. Likes of Linkedin became CVs, rather perceptible non-obvious, non-repetitive, original meticulously crafted work/study. Twitter’s blue tick
became mainstream’s + masses obsession wherein careers evolved out of thin air. The term Influencer evolved, who all later somehow became Innovators’/VCs’. Content-moderators, fact-checkers, are now mainstream professions. Conversational Podcasts surpassed Documentary/Docuseries, knowing the former generates half knowledge in most cases. If communism nurtured fear in minds, capitalism taught all to live in insecurity. Who milked the juices from both? Whoever galvanised data without scrutiny!The left endorsed leftists; right
marketed right;
Modern liberals chanted their own
Alas, the Internet was Victimized.
Whereas, liberalism was a
blessing, modern liberalism was a jinx;
Whilst former ameliorated; in
latter everything sinks.
The leftists were leftists for the rest; whilst being conservative for the mid-east+ or wealthy in the west.
The west considered itself to be some messiah of liberty + freedom, forgetting, what happened in the west till a century back where women were treated as worse as treated in some archaic mid-east + lands today.
Solid Internet freedom was/is an amateurish term. As demographic, diversity, democracy, history; of every land differs. Some evolved in chaos, whilst others via investments/credentials. One shouldn’t have embedded financial laundering into Internet; alas, it all happened.
Nicola Tesla, Srinivasa Ramanajun were Inventors/Discoverers, not, Marketers. Sir Tim Berners Lee too, who took the road less travelled & floated his Invention in open, rather, taking the road to being riches. Same goes for Ron Klein for magnetic stripes & countless others. And same would go for fusion technology one day. Wherein all these people worked to create; the marketers/traders, who later being known by the names of Innovators, VCs, Angel Investors, floated Innovators > Inventors equation for themselves; to make. Taking product to every household is indeed a big deal. But eclipsing the original creators & be known for the things they haven’t done; last twenty years of Internet made that possible.
And how could anyone change anything
mentioned above, when it’s now the bread-butter of countless individuals!
Hence, Internet has fallen for good. And so would complexes' make fall democracies.
© Pranav Chaturvedi