Monday, October 10, 2022

The Paint on Walls!

It’s been years for colours on

the painted walls,

So thick & deep, layered,

didn't peel off;

Albeit in incessant dust &

rains & scorching heat,

Layer another, grimy; but

colours never gone.


Artefacts many within that

reverberate time,

If scrubbed, and if it with new


Alas so thick; shalt leave its scars,

Would one want to carry such,

alike on moon?


A paper on wall with printed shades,

Or glimmering what on ceiling

that brighten sulking nights;

Or reflection of counterfeit waves on it,

Would mere conceal or shadowed by lights?


A day then colours eventually, cleansed,

Till no more path is seen of rabbit’s hole;

And brushed with the hue of pastel shades,

No time is constrained then, 

nor an artist's role. :)

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022