Thursday, September 29, 2022

A Witness, Recycled!


One saw, said, commended, condemned,

Who was once, isn’t now, wouldn’t be, maybe;

A witness testified its life & of others,

Yet couldn’t realized a day, why turned into anyone,

Amongst many.


Took shelter of the books or discourse,

Sailed, charted, shared or alone;

No different were on tracks who alighted, unison,

Or on roads that took wherever, the young or grown.


A witness thought, would’ve been decomposed,

And swayed to the belief of, re-incarnate;

Dwindled again translation, to be with Virgins,

A witness unsure, recycled back & forth, with fate.


Closed its eyes as it couldn’t see,

And sometimes mere, didn’t want to be;

It came, witnessed, spake, & was recycled,

Being everyone, alas, yet, not the original being.

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022