Monday, April 4, 2022

The Taste

A predator’s tongue when exposed,

To taste, acquired coercively or not;

Now wander beyond its food chain,

Amends its longing for what it wants.


So selfsame for marauders of millennia,

Or who traded in present printed bills;

Time ain’t restricted in either such case,

As & when tasted, amended, went for a kill.


What defined higher intelligence amidst?

A quantified not but that seeks beyond food;

The bread & circus & gladiators in stock,

Now entertain en-masse, drenched & sewed.


Love or hate, in verbatim, or in multitude,

A taste for either that amends; make to fall;

As in such confined quest would cross lines,

Alas, awaiting beyond, who laid trap & called. 😇

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022