What constitutes competition vs confrontation in a rule-based globalism? Isn’t groupism or undue influence equivalent to antitrust or anti-competitive practices? Domestically it is! The most influential corporates understand what it means. Then how come one sovereign nation can put undue influence for business on another sovereign nation? Isn’t this a predatory practice? Buy my products or stocks else I shut or manipulate markets! What defines Liberal Status Quo then of which the liberals were/are so proud of? A Trishanku’s dilemma?
Stuck in limbo between the desired vs present & thus hanging upside down, siding whoever reimburses? Why we’ve international court for arbitrations? To broaden the interpretation of any rule somewhere neutral, if not completely satisfied domestically therein, to achieve a fair, equitable commercial rights. Right? Eg: Vodafone Retrospective Taxation Case. Which is then perhaps genuine globalism if the said rule is applied Everywhere, alas, which isn't the case either. AND at the same time, not being predatory in commercial aspects too as well at a corporate level! Again, the present style of Globalism, with me or without me, & if latter, then prepare for retribution, should END. Else, we’re going back in time in the age of marauder merchants!© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022