Opinionators’ saying - Canada failed in its first litmus test of Democracy by invoking
unwarranted Emergency.
Truth is - Canada may’ve succeeded in the first litmus test of being a communist influenced power!? And by assembling the western MSM to neglect the unwarranted Emergency, it succeeded in the first litmus test of proving to others that not only there’s distortion in the flow of news but also undisclosed discordance in the flow of historical events as well, everywhere. And by the cold reaction of the Capitalist neighbor to such unwarranted Emergency, it further succeeded in proving that (maybe) modern capitalism == crony capitalism. And by being antithesis to uniform code elsewhere, it furthermore succeeded in the litmus test of proving to others that Leftism == Modern Liberalism.
who immigrate/emigrate, intentions are mostly to build their own
restricted dreams or shares. Those who intend to be guardian of the World, intentions
are mostly to establish one order or to expand on a more expansive scale
their dreams or shares for global dominance. Both can’t ameliorate;
WHEREAS, Nepotism fertilizes Insecurity. And excessive Insecurity
fertilizes Chaos. We witnessed that in N. Korea, South Asian Politics, Mid-East
Nations & now in Canada as well!
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022