Sunday, February 27, 2022

Friend or Foe!


A wise foe better than an insecure friend,

No friend or foe? Then you dwell in void!

Who burn hundred houses then feed a few,

No friend nor foe such as mere born to exploit.


No friend no foe remains beyond a point,

Nor familiar shalt be the walk in evolved another;

A truthful foe is better than a devious friend,

If less of both, then spent a faithful life rather.


There’s paradise for all that traits’ define,

Hell beneath? Actions you consciously choose;

If mere taking names bequeath salvation?

NAH! Cyclic as how slower one crawls to move!


Or there maybe beginning in infinite, and an end,

As beyond every horizon lies a new route;

And if the quest is to escape the said line,

Then in pond assign yourself an attribute in loop!😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022