Monday, January 10, 2022

Where’s the Depth?


Hypothetically, if there’s a Deep State in the World, then honestly, there seems to be lack of Depth (metaphor) in it.

There’re Words that needs to be sanitized -> Elite, Secularism, Life Coach, Liberalism, Amnesty, Equality, Progressive – are some words that have either been extremely misused or exploited in modern times, especially in democratic nations, or stands polluted. And the reason why lands of monarchs or communists thrive at a faster pace as their laws didn’t/don’t entertain most of these words in verbatim & adjust accordingly to their progress. That’s impossible in democracies, further, become foundation to furthermore extract remaining decency out of these.

We were/are stuffed with this notion especially by/in west or east that you become rags to rich or rich to richer or take a degree, which would take then to the path to be an Elite. Excuse Me! Whilst the remaining words in every single democratic nation were stripped to the extent that no more but cadaver of theirs’ remain. No soul. No essence. No perfection. No standard. Where our modern left liberal friends are the biggest contributors in this collective effort. These are the times where anthology of RW (which is territorial) tweets has become literature for modern left liberals & further obsession of its compilation or publication as being the only source to get felicitated especially under western doctrines! Whereas people in their 10s, 20s, 30s, contend to be Life Coach. Now, not that only 60+ boomers could only coach as there’re many well-settled amongst them who’re way more insecure than few millennials. Alas, no essence of life in coaching remains, seems.

But again, whatever said & done, there’s no better alternate to Democracy available.

 © Pranav Chaturvedi 2022