Friday, January 21, 2022

The Irony of Ideologies!

There the two contrasting, since nuke war,

Fought each other until one died;

Evolved another succeeding dead, spewing fire,

Weaponized antithesis what themselves’ despised.

One trust god, inscribed it in all actions,

Another nihilist; still therein no free;

And atheist, theist, avaricious, in accord everywhere,

Incessantly endeavouring yet couldn't foresee.

Traits attract Traits in evolutionary skit,

Now, nurtured reigned natural, ain’t a myth;

The irony of Ideologies exist herein,

Where liberal humanists shield always who discord commit.

In anti-clockwise the Left move their clocks,

From rocks to sword to gun powder to sword to rocks!?🤔

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022