I’m no admirer of journalists nor of Activists anywhere. But seems, J.P.A. in the West, & especially for the Western Right, has acquired a prominent stature, for good, & gathered support of being not liable for anything; being a Publisher. True? Let’s dissect it (publishing vs intrusion):
- J.P.A. isn’t a whistleblower nor journalist. He was/is a publisher of dossiers he was handed over to publish, by different people (‘actual whistleblowers’) who leaked the said classified information who had first-hand access to the same (so, it wasn’t J.P.A. being independent, having direct access to any of such data). Further, whether act of actual whistleblowers’ could be considered as an act done in -> good faith or public service or treason, that’s another part of the story which the nations’ of these actual whistleblowers’ could only decide (subject to if they’re Democratic). Thence, adding J.P.A. alone in the wanted list & that too on such an expansive scale itself may be questionable, as several other actual journalists too around world amplified the same data.
- Did he independently hack/steal/publish (again, an act of hacking (which is an issue) only), that ended up being detrimental to security of any serious nature / terror / monetary transaction / riots? So far, not much precisely available online at least with respect to this! OK, he’s an assumed co-conspirator with an actual whistleblower (the sentence of whom was already commuted by the then President). But let’s say, if a journalist publish any information citing/not citing source; then is the source, or, that publisher, or, amplifiers or collectively all, complicit (if there’s complacency established)? Source, not Publisher, I presume, unless, the above checkpoints are fulfilled!
- Whereas E.S. / C.M. (erstwhile B.M.) alike actual whistleblowers’ would have to narrate their side of Stories as to how & why what they did/do, was/is/would be the right thing by/for/of to their own Nations or maybe to others which could be set as an Example.
There’re several western / islamic nations’ mainstream who slander, humiliate, the elected Prime Ministers / Presidents of other Democratic Nations/Kingdom (especially centre-right), & also further (may’ve) publish(ed) materials/opinions/toolkits (maybe under indemnity) that directly might (have) end(ed) up being detrimental to those Democratic land’s environment. So, should such editors or publishers too be also added in the wanted list, maybe for extradition? OK, let’s take another example. Should anyone involved in any gain of function research be subject to such extraditions if that ends up creating pandemic, in accidental cases only? Of course Not. As that’s indispensable Science which is needed for World to grow. But yeah, overall repercussions could be discussed & the remedy to mitigate & to conduce, whether any ill intent was ever involved at all (again, if Yes, then that’s a different story & the present narrative changes then).
in no case one can sustain or succeed in MSM or Politics without a godfather or
any hand over the head. Not Possible! So, no idea if J.P.A. too had/has anyone
over him. But that’s a different story, again.
many Stories. 😇
crux is -> With this particular case, J.P.A. is a publisher. Out of
jurisdiction. Didn’t have independent initial access to acquire first-hand
classified information but only of leaked ones, alike other publishers.
And further, the said act didn’t create (presumed) any act of terror / riots
/ monetary transaction of any kind (as not much with certainty is available
w.r.t that). And what about cyber intrusion, independently? Did that even
happen & if yes (which is indeed an issue), to what extent (checklist)? And further, for a
greater good or bad, did it induce heal or harm? Accordingly,
where then path can be forged.
above, seems, J.P.A. being in the wanted list on that expansive scale &
that too on an international platform is tbh -> a bit questionable or
debatable or maybe unjustifiable.
I’ve written (opinion) above is one example how authentic Globalism
should’ve worked or should work. Further, Amnesty, Human Rights etc. are
all puffery paid partisan terms.
maybe we must start taking cognizance of overall evolutionary traits (perceptible,
of course) everywhere in the World! Then it might at least minimize the chaos, alas,
what modern liberals despise! 😇
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2022