Sunday, December 5, 2021

Snakes & Ladders!


Snakes & Ladders, mere a game of chance,

Where random steps a dice compels to move;

Sometimes ladders push to heights for home,

Alas, sometimes, snakes pull down, to lose!


Absent where rational, irrational, predictive or a hunch,

With a dice in one hand, awaiting in another token;

To commence voyage in linearity but not ||el to time,

Amidst uncertainty randomness of universe’s that’s itself broken.


Neither the ladder is chosen nor the snakes befriended,

Nor any one ladder or a snake could forge one’s path;

Numbers rolled matter not, but, ups & down, rise & fall,

As moved being in concave or convex since the start.

Snakes & Ladders, doesn’t matter in it, be a tortoise or hare,

A game of chance for token to sail through in ease or despair!😇

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021