Sunday, December 26, 2021

Don’t Look Up – A Good Satirical Sci-Fi Drama……But!


Don’t Look Up is a good contemporary satire, which undoubtedly tried to project the baloney of present times. From Shallow Influencers to Scientific Experts cum Actors to Stand Up Idiosyncratic Pointless Artists to Mainstream Clowns to Fatuous Merchandised Academia to Puffery Administrations to Politicians to Merchants to Marauders. But it didn’t project how we ended up in such a stunning projected era. It isn’t, indeed, a week or month or even a year in making. The perpetual pattern being followed for DECADES. Alas, it was butterfly effect in full effect.

In my immediate previous blog, I opined that why no matter how much indispensable The Great Reset (conspiracy or not) ought to have been, even the idea of it was annulled by the mere presence of phony compromised merchandised academic liberal hysteria, their nurtured political correctness for decades in making, unscientific approaches, undeserved sponsored felicitations which bestowed or bequeathed no more than -> fear to poverty porno to population explosion to climate crisis to international/transnational terrorism. In the absence of Trust, even if you get cast away, you won’t board a boat or ship passing by which might end up being your ultimate rescuer. And this distrust is what was crafted by the above. The mere belief that believe in all, is a misbelief as our evolutionary traits mismatch to massive extent. Albeit that can’t be nurtured naturally or perfected, yet, we can still nurture it to the extent of at least boarding the ship when dire straits sans any ill intentions.

Rest said & done, Don’t Look Up is a good satirical sci-fi Drama.

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021