One must learn, when & where to draw a line between -> Being a
Roman in Rome vs. Being Original.
When you adopt or agree to swing towards whatsoever, then in an ordinary course of action, you read, learn, discern it comprehensively, & then infer whether you could lean towards it partially or absolutely!
The issue with LEFT is it’s difficult to comprehend what it stood or
stands for (w.r.t. what they in general project) & I present Five
out of many instances for that. They:
Technically Not. Albeit on Billboard dissect the Poverty Porn, but never give any novel theory or idea to resolve, except a default repetitive theory of UBI. What’s perceivable is real. Alas, the reality is displeasing.
Atheists’ are
non-believers. Leftists aren’t. Too are followers/apologists of a Religion. Need
Proof? Then seems you’re disconnected from the World.
As most of them themselves are well-off, privileged to be part of expensive institutes & academia, associated with top mainstream, so maybe an anti-anti-Rich thought one may discover herein but no anti-rich, at least.
Contend for Equality?
Nope, as in every Nation, cheery-pick communities or a default religion & become their representatives everywhere else. All Lives Matter, an absolute big fat NO for them.
Believe in Science?
Being against physiology, anatomy, basic science, doesn’t mean to be a pro-science individual. Furthermore, would be The Eureka moment if someone establishes that in the perceivable natural evolutionary cycle; naturally == nurturing, affecting further overall evolutionary traits (sans using likes of CRISPR).
So where does Left Stand? If their position is to co-exist together in
peace alike family, then that’s liberalism not Leftism; alas, World
too is inundated with 99% of illiberal on the other hand. Furthermore,
I despise Marauders & Merchants equally, & I’m not even a Centrist.
And does that put me towards Far Right? Absolutely not!
Thence, it’s incomprehensible of what exactly the Left stood or stands for.
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021