proselytizing into merchants,
merchants sheathed in marauders’ body;
becoming religious apologists',
Apologists' reverting to communists as gaudy.
Shoddy liberals sail close to the mainstream,
Whilst mainstream, covering the gaudy’s affairs;
Alas, affairs not fascinating as of Thomas Crown,
Where protagonists weren’t puffery nor unaware.
These are the modern times where non-believers,
Are prospective believers sharing the stage,
With devout leftists who’ve lost their way forward,
Forth, measures on scale how far is from right’s cage!
When a world is built, erected on the plinth,
Where every animal traversed on land or sea;
To fulfil a dream or claim share, & decades passed,
Alas, the modern times in despair -> decreed. ☹
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021