Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Bridge


A suspended floating bridge sans railings,

Beneath, exotic thick skinned, humongous jaws;

In hands bucket for their to bon appetit,

And if fallen amidst, alas, victual for crocs.


No days nor months can one await,

For their reciprocative love, to you;

Railings ought to have built discrete,

Separating eyes that weren’t ever true.


The Bridge in betwixt two grounds,

And above rivers of shallow tears’;

Resting they, awaiting for it to sway,

When keeper shalt come to feed in fear!


Incapacious bridge, on it keeper walked,

As it moved then so as jaws of crocs’;

Eyes on bucket but heart for him locked,

In hope; espying the hands of clock!😕

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021