Friday, August 20, 2021

Never Done….


It isn’t onerous to kindle your own house, albeit, unachievable to lit someone else’s without coercion or conversion


What happened in AFG needs to be analyzed. MSM is concentrating on freedom of women/children. What about Men? Means, aren’t men, maybe few, who wanted to be unshackled? Eg. - That aspiring young footballer who in actuality dropped dead!



The U.S.’s responsibility, as per its Promise, wasn’t to build any Nation, rather to Sanitize, & post Sanitizing , handing over to Local Government for rebuilding its own land, with further assistance, help & contribution of other Nations. Never done!


United Nation basically act(ed) alike some money routing organization via Welfare!? From suspiciously becoming veil w.r.t. origin of covid to more partial on human rights, its existence in itself looks suspicious.


RW of one Nation differs from RW of another. There’re people who didn’t adhere to principles of old testaments, other religious rituals alike Sati, Polygamy etc. Even an Atheist isn’t an absolute follower of Science. Similar case is with several R-Wingers. At least, they don’t masquerade alike Communists / Modern Liberals / Leftists, who being implicit follower of a religion for prolong under excessive political correctness, but, act(ed) in public as if supporters of Uniform Laws, Atheism, Science; AS, the present has dissected their true face on the planet.


Why this Chaos then? Truth is, Academicians require Funding from Merchants for Academic Excellence. Nothing Wrong! But it’s Duty of Academicians to adhere to Academic Principles rather of Merchants. If CHINA turned Academicians into Radicals; WEST transformed Them into Merchants. So, there aren’t any Teachers’! 

Irreversible Century’s DISASTER!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021