Friday, May 7, 2021



Thought Invaders gone for good?

Not! Nor did Invasions;

What changed mere rituals, 

No archaic weapons, alas, Viruses' Creation.


Ruling longs be unshackled from trap,

Hybrids see throne: within giggle & rap;

Like fish out of water rest lie on floor,

Is this how Invasions & Invaders scored?


Who thought barbaric would let all go?

Were wrong as all took path of slow!

Generations, centuries awaited to grow,

For the right time to Invade with flow.


So let not think this a pious world,

All climate chords amidst bio war unfurled;

Invaded in past, shalt invade again,

Novel methods forged for centuries to gain.

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021