A leader once said, “Me naked, alike me all,
So as my heirs are, standing tall;
This’s the way generation evolves & grown,
And time won’t tell, how roots were sown!”
Such colloquies, weren’t constrained to walls,
That laid betwixt mainstream, on several calls;
Had it been confined? Aha! No pain!
Alas! Oozed out on lands deluged with acid rain.
Shades blended: Feminists, Tyrants, Activists,
Men or women or non-binaries, faces unstill;
Blood on dance floor, so as rivers followed shrieks,
As floor wasn’t theirs’, why clean, be worried?
Alas! What clothes one shalt offer, who itself has none?
And is proud to be Naked, as it’s all fun;
My view isn’t confined to orgies on someone else’s floor,
But what shalt be the descendants of our globe! 😊
© Pranav Chaturvedi 2021